Why the best era to install the solar system is now

When I typing this post (in July 2021), I working with a Solar Installer Company. 

I've seen the consumer or particular household's behaviour, they are not feeling easy to make a transition from keeping paying high bills to the local utility company every month to making an investment in the solar system for self-power generation.  

However, as I explained to them the right time have arrived to have solar technology as part of our necessities and the more sustainable solution than connected to electricity in a conventional way.

There are main 4 best reasons to benefit from the solar system now: 

1. Lower Market Price


Solar systems are cheaper by 90% compare to the last 10 years. Back 10 years ago, the technology is new and connecting to limited players in the supply chain is an issue that adds to the overall high costs. Now, there are various brands of manufacturers for the panels and the inverters, moreover, there are higher advanced technologies to extract the materials efficiently.  


2. Panels Can Generate More Power 

 The panel technology has matured and its peak with generation power peak up to 700 Watt. This high power peak generation solves the issue of not have enough roof space because now we can install a lesser number of panels without compromising the power generation. 


3. High Storage And Longer Life Battery 


Currently, it's not cost-efficient to install a battery in the solar system (which will be discussed in point 4). For the expensive price of a battery, the unit can only last for 4 hours of minimal households' usage. However, the innovation of the battery is accelerating as the companies racing to put their high storage and longer lives batteries in production to meet the growing demand. Targeting such batteries will be available in less than 10 years (which is okay - will be discussed in point 4). 


4. Beneficial Schemes For Early Adopter 


Everyone across the world realized the negative impact of hydrocarbon on the ecosystem and many countries are committed to the Paris Climate Agreement to reduce the carbon emissions from their domestic industry. They have introduced beneficial schemes for end-users such as, as for now the battery price is not that cost of efficient, therefore, the government working with the utility company to let households with solar systems "store" their solar energy in the grid. This is given at quota and for a certain period. Moreover, the countries are giving Green Tax Exemptions across the supply chain which benefits the businesses and the users by removing the "fats" of unnecessary margins.

Why the best era to install the solar system is now:


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