Concrete Mixer But To Make Solar Panels Easily

"Concrete Mixer" for Solar Panels

Image credit to Maana Electric

Now we see Solar Panels are like red bricks or roof tiles, which are essential building blocks to make a perfect house that is relevant for today time. On the construction site, we have a concrete mixer to dough the ingredients of sand, cement and water together to form concrete. Now we have another "concrete mixer" but to make solar panels on-site! The machine is called Terraboxes, it is capable to produce solar panels in the most sustainable way with just sands as the raw material. This is one of the strategies with a revolutionary tool to compete with the solar panel producers that have a larger number of operators or technicians to do the assembly.

The machine size is enough to fit into the cargo container so it can be transported to the solar farm site with a truck that is full of sands. Or.., just transport Terraboxes at the site in the desert where it can take the tonnes of sands that are locally available. Hence, consequently cut the sand supplier’s margin, and not only that, but also it can save time with the customizable ability on-site and no wait for delivery from the outside supplier.

The energy mix is the future, where facilities and neighbourhoods can save massively from the utility bills with this unlimited energy source “the sun”. This is the solution to avoid prices inflation or variance over time that can be a burden to the communities.

Even the solar energy are easier and cheaper to produce rather than in a coal plant, however, since not all buildings roof are designed to best fit the generic size/shape solar panels that purposely build that way for all. Hence, future onwards for the new buildings, machines like Terraboxes can produce customizable solar panels on-site that can perfectly fit the architecture design roof and can be creatively designed as other industrial products. Hopefully soon...

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