The Global Temperature Are Rising Quickly Than Expected

Global Temperature Rising Quickly Than Expected 

Many countries already signed the Paris Climate Agreement to cut down their industry carbon emission at an agreed rate before 2030. However, the World Meteorological Organisation has found temperature will rise about 1 to 2 per cent degrees Celcius every next five years, which will add up to high temperature drastically in just a few decades forward. Besides, for your information, the global greenhouse emissions have already risen more than 45 per cent in just less than 20 years between 2000 to 2019.

These concerns have pushed the scheduled plans by the countries to speed up their initiatives to be more sustainable. These should not be only responsible by the authority but also the society need to take part in changing their lifestyles to be sustainable as well, hence, everyone joint efforts will escalate the countries or global initiatives to cut down carbon emission rates and hopefully to zero.

There are various initiatives we can do as citizens, such as:

1. Buying a hybrid or even better full electric vehicle (EV).

Even the amount of carbon required to build the electric vehicle make the EV just the same as internal combustion engine vehicle, however, with EV the carbon emissions will not spread around the atmosphere anywhere as the EV travel. As we can still find solutions to reduce the carbon emission in the coal plant that generates the electricity but at least the emissions are within the controlled compound area. The strategy is to gain control.

2. Installing solar system at home.

Now the government are giving schemes that beneficial to household to install a solar system at a bargain rate. Furthermore, installing a solar system is not a liability but with the long warranty given by the factory-like on average 15 years, we can get the return of investment after the 6th year. Hence, in the 7th year onward we are already able to self-sustaining ourselves by generating our own electricity through solar.

3. Build house into the earth.

This may not be practical for urban areas but for the outskirts with a higher level of the land. There is research that this such home design can reduce electricity bills, especially from air condition usage, as we are no longer required to switch on air condition longer and at lower temperature settings since the natural surrounding temperature inside the house are stable at low temperature.

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