Power Play: Go Against The Industry Standards

Power Play: Go Against The Industry Standards
Image credit to the book "Power Play: Tesla, Elon Musk and the Bet of the Century" by Tim Higgins (Doubleday)
As we know without Elon Musk, there will be no rising emerging market of the electric vehicle industry as today. In the past, the internal combustion auto carmakers haven't been highly innovative in their economy (sedan) car lines as we can see only the hyper and premium cars are equipped with advanced features that are which limited to the only high economic level of income market. However, these car brands were not realised that the cash cow of their revenue comes from the economy standard cars, for example, Volkswagen owns Audi and Lamborgini but their cars with 'VW' emblem are made for the average consumers.

This massive market of the average consumer, they are ready for new products that have better features like premium cars but are still at the maintained standard price range. Tesla by Elon Musk has developed Model S as a family sedan car with 7 seaters (for kids and adults) with starting price of $81,190.


Moreover, as we can see in the video, this Tesla Model S is the highest accelerating car in the drag strip compared to other higher priced sports cars; Ferrari 488 GTB, Porsche 911 Turbo S, McLaren 570GT, etc. And this makes the public aware that the internal combustion engine has come to its near end and will be no longer relevant, and a company, Tesla, has proved that they can make breakthrough vehicles with futuristic features that are still within the standard economy price range. Besides, Elon Musk has a higher Chief Designer Franz Von Holzhausen, that has made a great job in designing Tesla cars to look acceptable, stylish, fast and fun electric cars, which completely overhaul the past mainstream views of electric cars as boring and ugly looking.

In addition, with the news of climate change we come across every day, there are more activists against internal combustion engines and hydrocarbon as they harming the ecosystem and rising the world temperature by thinning the ozone layers. And as the public raises their concern and with the viable solution Elon Musk has made through Tesla, the regulators has begun ordering to phaseouts completely the gasoline and diesel cars with a set timeline in near future and countries that participated has agreed in the Paris Climate Agreement. And now Tesla is the most valuable automobile company which turned the EV market completely from the longest-running bull market in U.S. history.

Elon Musk has accomplished in various business ventures of disruptive products such as Tesla and SpaceX. This makes everyone will follow his bet in his future plan that will mirror the same success stories as his past ventures.

Inspired: https://www.latimes.com/entertainment-arts/books/story/2021-07-30/power-play-tesla-book-review

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