Keeping Up To Satisfy Increasing Demand Of Energy For Consumption May Not Be The Way For Humanity

Keeping Up To Satisfy Increasing Demand Of Energy For Consumption May Not Be The Way For Humanity
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As technologies are essential in our lives for every daily activity, this will increase the use of energy for consumption and production.

With the growing population, conventional energy sources may not be sufficient for future generations, the renewable energy are been explore to harness them in an efficient way. But, as we know, humanity always needs more energy for advancements and we will use it excessively but inefficiently since that time the energy is unlimited.

Sometimes, this also will result in exploitation by a certain part of societies, which make some unable to benefit from this unlimited energy. We humans can be greedy when presented with opportunities.

Therefore, we should design technologies that can use energy efficiently. Such as, the world whitest paint has been invented to reduce the internal surrounding temperature. Correspondingly, this invention can reduce the reliance on air conditioning systems or the need for high consumption energy to keep switch air conditioning systems at the lowest temperature setting. The paint is made with different particle sizes of barium sulfate that are commonly used in cosmetics. And these particles are to bounce back the sunlight away and subsequently avoid the surface to heat up.

This aspiration can be relooked and apply to other technologies in our lives such as household appliances, vehicles, and many more. As we need to teach humanity especially the younger generation to be moderate in doing anything in life. For example, drink water excessively can cause brain cells to swell. And this same goes for energy, excessive energy harnesses can be hard to control and may cause more harm than better.

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