To Learn From Engineer On Constant Improvement

To Learn From Engineer On Constant Improvement

Engineers are taught and trained to keep improving on any given matter that they need to focus on. Basically, engineers daily life is to not get settled on the present tools or technology. Without engineers, human quality of life will not advance forward to the fullest potential. Even the fullest potential is still unknown.

Engineers are never meant for only given individuals through formal education, everybody can be an engineer! Chef can engineer on how the recipes can be better, Teacher can engineer the syllabus to be more interactive and understandable by the students, Business Owner can engineer their operation to be more productive by enabling the staffs to work together efficiently, Prime Minister can engineer the policies to catalyst the national economic growth, and the list goes on.

Everyone can engineer their lives, their tasks and any activities. This improvement process activity is to make our lives move forward and we will never get bored by being settle and stick to the same unproductive routine forever. There are more drawbacks to being settle than advance-forward, feeling stuck will lead to a negative impact on mental health. Humans by history and nature since the stone age, we are an explorer!

The benefits of keep improving even we feel things are already enough. Such as, significantly, we can cut down time doing boring unnecessary things. Time is precious and we should do other fun activities with family, friends and society. A couple of decades ago workforces don’t have weekends and the children were also required to work to support the production demand. And now, the children are no longer to work and the fathers are able to spend more quality time with family on the weekend while being able to support themselves even working for lesser hours. And soon society may not need to work anymore as we are going to the automation era.

The fundamental to improve things like an engineer is, firstly, we need to observe the subject weakness and strengths (features). Secondly, we need to look at the surrounding environment and how it will impact the subject. We can control the environment, but controlling the environment may not be justiceable as we live together with the rest of society, it’s not easy to make everyone happy. Hence, it is easier to focus on improving or modifying the subject to adapt to the environment.

The same goes for other non-physical items, we may need to tailor the process or steps. Not limited to that, also in the political arena, we may need to change the idealism to satisfy the majority. And improvement will never be enough but surely it make things getting better.

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