Jobs For The World

Jobs For The World


In The World 


To begin with, everyone in this world is essential to each other or certain others. Below are the simplified segments on how everyone in this world (society) is giving out values without us even realising; 


No. 1 are adults, they are essential to drive the current stage to the future. 


No. 2 are youths, they are essential with their wild ideas for future progression. 


No. 3 and the most essential key in society, the elder-lies, are essentials for their wisdom and guidance. 


In The Company 


Now we will dig deeper into the company demographic, employees working for the company owner and vice-versa company owner working for employees. How? We may always think of employees' jobs to drive the company. However, employers are working to steer the company for more profits to pay salary and hopefully bonuses too. 


To explain further, what separates these duties (or jobs) is the level of weight of the responsibilities. Some employer jobs may require less physical effort, but, they can be tasks that are complicated and require a high level of thought process. Hence, these types of jobs are at the highest position in the command chain and are crucial to making the most suitable decisions for the whole company. 


However, the employee's jobs are essential too to move the company from the thoughts to actual executions and implementation. Big companies with bigger workforces can execute faster with bigger successes, while, a smaller company with everyone (including bosses) working together at the operation may execute with smaller successes. However, all big companies were once a smaller company. It's all about the exponential growth of many successes with how the employers (leaders) make efficient with their team (human resources). 




There are no humans without duties. If some don't have jobs, the world will depleted of resources that require skills. However, it's everyone's choice to demand the rewards for the duties that they can provide, and some don't ask for a return. 

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