Is Remote Management System To Monitor Employees Intensively Actually Useful?

Does Remote Management Intensive Monitoring On Employees Really Needed.
Image source: Freepik
Work culture across many organizations have adapted with employees working from home due to the movement control in the pandemic during this time (as I write this on 29 August 2021). In the early transition on the first month, the employees found it hard to work efficiently as in the office, but with digital technologies such as video conference software, the employees can communicate and update their work every day efficiently. 

Even the rate of vaccination already increases, the employees still demanding from employers to let them work from home. Majorly, because they are able to cut down their time in the traffic every day, instead they can spend more time with their families and do their hobbies. Consequently, reduce their spending on commuting and lunches as they can cook at home. 

However, there are digital tools for employers to monitor their employees from data recorded such as employees' screen time, and applications and websites they open during office hours. Of course, this use of such revolutionized management software should not be installed in the employees' laptops without their consent. 

I believe the organization should trust their valuable employees or team and instead focusing more on the results and compare with the target. Hopefully, the employees are able to work efficiently without being micro-managed by their managers. As, everyone working style is different as long they are able to deliver, and some cannot perform efficiently if being micro-managed. And that's the truth.

There are cases such as first unachievable results and repetitive low performance. And both should be handle by the managers or superiors differently, but both situations should be discussed with considering the outside factors too that may affect those poor results. And hopefully, after the pandemic has been able to be managed, the organization can organize offline meetings if necessary.

Furthermore, organizations that are able to work efficiently in the new normal from homes, the company able to reduce their operational expenditure and downsizing their physical offices that have left redundant. This is the future of efficient working.



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