To Repurpose The Battery To Be Actually Sustainable

To Repurpose The Battery To Be Actually Sustainable
Electric Vehicles (EV) are solving the pollution issues by stopping a contribution toward greenhouse gases, but still, the products themselves such as the EV's batteries with a short life cycle than the other EV's components make them not 100% sustainable actually.

EV's batteries are made of limited raw materials that are complicated to extract such as lithium, nickel and cobalt. In addition, after the batteries tear down and no longer any use for the EV, it's not that straightforward to recycle them. It is costly with a high complexity process that required plants with labours and special types of machinery. Since, as an example, the batteries are welded components for their better electrical connection but this design makes it hard to be separated down.
Intending to make EV 100% sustainable in mind, I agree with the thought by James Pennington to make recycling not the primary process but instead to repurpose them for other electricity storage especially for the usage that only required low power.

This is useful for homes that want to install a solar system, as currently in the market, the retail prices for home batteries are still not accessible "too high price" for the home to purchase them. Hence, the repurposed EV battery can be used for home electricity storage and furthermore homes can benefit from its higher storage capacity because of its size compared to the smaller conventional home batteries.
It may not be aesthetic and bulk looking, but these repurposed batteries make it more accessible for the general public to afford and make them able to install the off-grid solar system. Hence, in the long run, they can lower down the cost of their utility bills and at the same time make the world lesser reliance on coal as the burning fuel for electricity generation that will emit more carbon dioxide and lead to more harm to the environment.

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