Electric Flight Cargo

Electric Flight Cargo
Image credit to DHL

One of the biggest delivery companies has bought Eviation's light electric planes model 'Alice', that each plane will carry 1,200 kilograms and can cover 800 kilometres on a single charge which only take 30 minutes (which is the same time it takes to fuel a conventional plane). 30 minutes waiting time will be enough to fill the cargo with shopping items using an efficient system that is required for the company to do daily deliveries to support the growing demand of the e-commerce industry. 

As a pioneer in delivering services, the company are committed to world sustainability goals. Furthermore, since, Alice have fewer mechanical parts as it using an electric motor, this makes Alice are more reliable and cheap to maintain. 

(Source: https://www.dhl.com/global-en/home/press/press-archive/2021/dhl-express-shapes-future-for-sustainable-aviation-with-the-order-of-first-ever-all-electric-cargo-planes-from-eviation.html

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