Almost Wireless High-Speed Internet At Everywhere

Almost Wireless High-Speed Internet At Everywhere
Image credit to SpaceX

SpaceX and Swarm united to become strong joined forces to accelerate the same purpose of achieving overall internet coverage throughout the world. Furthermore, Swarm can utilize SpaceX's rockets to launch their small satellites.

Yes, the world already has the fibre optic cable to connect high-speed internet, however, these expensive infrastructures are not accessible to be built in underdeveloped countries. 

Now there is a total of Swarm's 150 and SpaceX-Starlink's 1,650 satellites in the orbit. Their technology enables their satellites to be are the lower orbits (60 times shorter distance to earth compared to traditional satellites) to produce lower latency and high speed of internet. Plus, there will be more on earth stations as transceivers to receive the satellites signals and distribute the high speed through a medium without the need for a cabling structure.

I am quite amazed by this idea as unconventionally against the economic ideas start to offer to rich first then the rest of the community. Besides, Elon Musk and Swarm team are making a breakthrough wireless high speed and wide coverage internet even in rural areas. This technology will not only goal to benefits the rural areas with access to high-speed internet, but this technology will benefit the rest of the world including in the urban areas. As we can see, to subscribe to high-speed internet the use of optic cable are a bit messy as the installer needs to bring a ladder and also drill the holes to bring the optic cable from the mainline outside. And not only that, even in the country as Malaysia, not every big states are accessible to optic cable infrastructure. 

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