Electric Sea Freight Protect The People Products' Affordable Prices

'Electric' Sea Freight Will Stop The Fuel Prices Unnecessarily Affecting The Carried Items' Prices
Image credit to Yara International

The transportation sector contributes around 14% of the total global carbon dioxide in the atmosphere; road vehicles contribute about 10%, the aerospace industry contributes about 3% and the shipping industry contributing up to 3% according to the International Maritime Organization [1] [2]. To suppress these damaging fumes, especially road vehicles, the manufacturer is adopting electric technology to stop emitting carbon dioxide while travelling.

In the shipping industry, the company Yara International has built Yara Birkeland a zero-emission and autonomous cargo ship. Yara Birkeland is capable to carry 103 containers and travel at a top speed of 13 knots and it is powered by a 7 Mwh battery equivalent to one thousand electric vehicles batteries.  

Electric Sea Freight like Yara Birkeland is the solution to maintain the carried items’ prices even fuel prices are changing in variances every time (note: if the electricity is from renewable energy sources that are free and unlimited at a certain time of the day - this can be supported by the battery storage). Since, like always, fuel prices never stay stagnant and simultaneously indirectly affect the retail prices of the carried items too. This creates difficulty for the businesses and consumers when required to purchase essential items at sudden high prices.

Furthermore, other benefits are, electric sea freight have lesser moving components and which requires less maintenance. Less maintenance is beneficial because this can cut down the undeployed time of the sea freight. As we can see now, the sea freight supply readiness is limited to support the growing demand for online purchases between countries/seas.

Therefore, for the future, making sea freight electric will be useful to make these main parts of the supply chain controllable and adaptable to the high amount of cargo. While, as a shield to maintain the carried item’s prices which will benefit the end consumer.


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