Reskilling: Make The Workforces With Experiences To Be Adaptable And Relevant In Their Industry

Reskilling: Make The Workforces With Experiences To Be Adaptable And Relevant In Their Industry
It is not common for the particular sector to be completely obsolete in the future because of the other emerging industries, but, these prominent companies will undergo a revolution to serve better in their market and sometimes they pivot or adopt the emerging industry technologies. These show companies should not get comfortable with their strong footing in their industry, instead, they should aware of their consumer preferences that change over time. Besides, every successful emerging industry player will be a new industry leader that the existing companies should set this new leader as an example to follow if not they will be left behind to keep up with the human advancements in terms of lifestyle.

Similarly, occur in the energy sector, the coal and oil & gas industry players are challenged by the emerging renewable energy emerging industry. The emerging renewable energy industry players are taking some of the electricity utility market share and consequently, the conventional energy sector such as the mining companies are losing their market share after many years of unchallenged dominance. This lead to some of their plants or mining fields are not fully operating and not utilizing all their workforces.

These underutilized workforces will soon lose their job as the company pivoting to adopt new technologies or start new ventures that may not need the skills of their existing workforce. Therefore, the country and companies need to retrain and re-skill this precious experience workforces to adapt to the changing industry practices by utilizing their transferable experiences working in similar conditions, the strong fundamental concept of the sector and genuine passions to light a bulb in everyone's homes. Such as train them to be wind-farm technicians.

Therefore, not only the industry player, but the country need to make society aware of the changing industry field and the emerging technologies. Society should be prepared to be provided training to make them relevant in the particular changing industry they are in.

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